Current weather
in the village
General weather today:
High pressure and dry air masses will determine the weather conditions during the beginning of the new week.
Il tempo domani:
Sunny weather with only a few harmless clouds in the sky.
Temp. min.: -2°
Temp. max.: 9° |
Minimum temperatures negative, maximum between 5° and 11°.
Mountain weather today:
Very sunny weather with excellent visibility. Residual clouds on the border ridge will tend to dissipate.
Temperature in 2.000m: | -4° |
Temperature in 3.000m: | -10° |
0° limit: | 1400 m |
Weather development
Tuesday generally sunny weather. Wednesday often sunny, although some irregular cloudiness will pass through the sky. Sun and clouds will alternate on Thursday. Very sunny weather is expected on Friday with generally clear skies.
Tuesday 18.02 | Wednesday 19.02 | Thursday 20.02 |
B | H | H |
-4 / 9° | -2 / 9° | -2 / 11° |
Source: Hydrographic office Autonomous province of Bozen and Weather South Tyrol